
Sunday, July 3, 2016

Hi there everybody!
It has been quite awhile since I posted here....sorry.....
But, there are reasons....1st I lost my favorite uncle, my mom's brother.  Duke was a Harley Bike owner & lover of antique Harleys.  He carried his around in a customized van to make the trips from New Hampshire to Daytona on bike week every year.  He would stop by on his way down and back home to see me.  I miss that......terribly....So this added to my sister's health, the death of Joe's sister, and my computer* problems.  Mine REFUSES to save.  My other sister was suppose to bring my niece down and work on my problem.....6 weeks later I still wait....Oh yes I have made phone calls but no visit, to date.
In order to spend ANY time on the computer I have to reload virus protection, pinterest button, ad block, adblock Ultimate, cookie destroyer, & youtube adblock reloaded daily.
I don't know when I will be back normally as my cross stitch charts do not save, either.....
I miss you all!  America....HAPPY 4th of July!!!  Stay Safe!!! 
Happy Stitching!!!


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