I know that it has been months and months since I did any postings. It was because that nasty virus, that EVEN got major computers! Mine was destroyed. This is WITH a antivirus-ad blocker protection!! Not even banks were protected!!! This is a first for me in all my 17+ years owning computers! In fact, I still have all those puters.....but, guess what happened when I put 2 of them back on line????? SMACK!!!#$@!!%*%$# they were smashed!! My sister in Roswell, GA contacted my retired military brother-David and he in turn----WITH NO WARNING* shipped me a BRAND NEW desktop!!! So much has happened with this NEW windows I was scared to try anything!!! Unfamiliar storage area. I hate this new one!!!
I have been running my saved disks, that I did way before all this happened, loading some patterns*, ect. My Stitch programs is all that I am doing before the antivirus that came with this computer needs to be bought*. Plus, A LOT of time being used to just trying to get familiar with this 'puter.
Thank God I did very little with banks!!! I went through PayPal.
It be another HP as I have loved this brand for a bootful of years!
PayPal account has been saved, too. I made new passwords my first day turning this guy on!!! That has been taking time, too re-doing all passwords!
It is, especially, difficult me with my short-term memory issues that I carry from my last stroke* I am a THREE time believer in God, my Angels-mom, Sarah, uncle Duke (Harley lover) who passed earlier this year, Miss Scarlett-my adopted nana from 10 years old till she passed, my Aunt Diane. Surviving 3 strokes is unheard of by many. God helped me remember the clues for those 2 last ones!
Now....with my brother providing a computer I have had a good Christmas, so far!!!!
Now......tah dah!!! I have done a new design* today, for all of you to enjoy!! I hope that it puts a giggle in your heart, as it did mine when I first read it!!!
"Cartridge in a bare Tree"

Pattern Name: Cartridge in a
Designed By: Tonia Pappan
Company: OakHaven Designs
Copyright: 1999-2016
Fabric: Aida 14, Dirty
29w X 46h Stitches
Size(s): 14 Count, 2w X 3-1/4h in
28 Count, 1w X 1-5/8h in
32 Count, 0-7/8w X 1-3/8h in
36 Count, 0-3/4w X 1-1/4h in
Floss Used for Full Stitches:
Symbol Strands Type Number Color
H 2 DMC 319 Pistachio Green-VY DK
J 2 DMC 320 Pistachio Green-MD
F 2 DMC 353 Peach
1 2 DMC 368 Pistachio Green-LT
3 2 DMC 434 Brown-LT
V 2 DMC 676 Old Gold-LT
K 2 DMC 729 Old Gold-MD
X 2 DMC 815 Garnet-MD
7 2 DMC 890 Pistachio Green-UL DK
c 2 DMC B5200 Snow White
Floss Used for French Knots:
Symbol Strands Type Number Color
DMC 729 Old Gold-MD
DMC 890 Pistachio Green-UL DK
Floss Used for Back Stitches:
Symbol Strands Type Number Color
1 DMC 310 Black
1 DMC 320 Pistachio Green-MD
1 DMC 415 Pearl Gray
1 DMC 676 Old Gold-LT
1 DMC 729 Old Gold-MD
1 DMC 890 Pistachio Green-UL DK
Notes: I created this chart from words that I read at
123 Message board. Enjoy!!!!
Hugs to all!